Online education has been gaining traction in the past few years, but the COVID-19 crisis will accelerate its use in the coming decades. The flipped classroom model, in particular, has been helping students all over the world to learn at their own pace while freeing up their time for projects in which academic principles can be applied. Moreover, flipping enables teachers to individualize their teaching approaches for each student. Such advantages can empower students with disabilities to thrive academically. The flipped classroom is therefore a service that schools should consider offering in the post-COVID world.
The Flipped Classroom by Sprouts
The In-Class Flip by Jennifer Gonzales, Editor-in-Chief of Cult of Pedagogy
What a Flipped Classroom Looks Like by PBS News Hour
The Flipped Class: Overcoming Common Hurdles by Edutopia
The Four Pillars of FLIP by Flipped Learning Network
(Photo by Brooke Cagle)