The Philippine government has officially lifted all public health emergency restrictions in the country. No more getting bogged down by so many rules after 3 years! Aside from my relief over the end of the pandemic, I’m thankful to the Lord for all that He has done for me while we were going through one of the darkest periods of our time.
Please take note that I am NOT saying that things went well for me because I’m a better person. In fact, many Christians suffered more than me during the pandemic even if they’re more devout to God than I am. I actually think that the Lord allowed them to go through severe trials because they were strong enough to take it while my faith is quite frail. Moreover, God deals with each individual differently. As a healthcare (HCW), I needed to step up in a time of health crisis, which is why the Lord dealt with me in the way that He did. You have a different calling from mine, so you have your own unique journey.
Anyway, here are the things that I’m grateful for now that the COVID-19 crisis is over:
# 1 It was a privilege to be a frontliner.
Since the beginning, I was against the nation- and region-wide lockdowns as well as the other mandates that stripped people of their individual rights. That’s why my choice to resume the on-site therapy sessions RIGHT AWAY IN 2020 was not just borne out of the necessity to earn a living. It was my way of making a stand for my conviction that the syndemic could be managed without depriving people of the services that they needed.
In the case of persons with disabilities (PWDs), it was obvious that teletherapy was not suitable for many of them. It was bizarre that at one point during the 2020 massive lockdown, the veterinary clinics were allowed to re-open way before the therapy centers could resume their operations. Mabuti pa ‘yung mga aso at pusa, pwedeng magpa-check-up — pero ‘yung mga tao, hindi pwedeng mag-on site therapy!
# 2 My 90-plus year old grandfather, parents, close elderly and middle-aged relatives, and 1-year old nephew have all survived the pandemic!
One of the things that I was afraid of was that I might infect my grandfather and my aunt with COVID-19 if I served as a frontliner, and that they might die because of me. I thank God because as I write this, both of them are in relatively good shape!
# 3 I never tested positive for COVID-19.
I believe that the COVID-19 vaccines protected me to an extent. More importantly, I ate healthier foods and improved my sleeping habits to stay fit. Being a frontliner actually kept me healthy too because moving around and carrying stuff for on-site therapy sessions were great physical exercises. I guess all those pre-COVID wellness lectures that I heard from that INFJ man paid off! It also helped that I was not in the “hot zones” of the health facilities where I worked. Still, being a frontliner was risky because I was in two major COVID referral hospitals! It was all worth it, because I got to help many children.
# 4 I gradually eased back into church ministry during the pandemic.
Because I was subjected to years of spiritual abuse, I avoided being active in the ministry when I joined the church that I’m now a member of even if it is spiritually healthy. I wanted to be sure first that the people there were safe to be with, and they are. Besides, I felt that I should give myself a break from the ministry first because I did enable my former abusers. I didn’t stand up to them because I wasn’t as deep in the Scriptures as I thought I was. Now that I have a better grasp of Biblical teachings, I’m more confident that I can start becoming more active in church.
# 5 I was granted a visa to return to Canada.
Yup, I’m most likely going back to Winnipeg! And I hope I’ll get to see other Canadian provinces too. But this time, I’ll be back as a tourist, not as a permanent resident. I was apprehensive about applying for a temporary visa, fearing that I wouldn’t be granted one after I gave up my immigrant status. But it seems like it’s God’s will for me to see Canada again. So now, I’m praying to figure out the best time to finally visit the cute bundle of joy that is my Filipino-Canadian nephew who lives in Manitoba.
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings that You’ve given me even if I’m undeserving! Again, I’m neither downplaying the sufferings of other people nor am I saying that I did relatively well because I’m superior. God deals with each person differently, and He orchestrates our lives in such a way that HE will be glorified, not anyone else. Besides, I had my share of dark days during the COVID-19 crisis. I just don’t want to dwell on them anymore. All I want now is to get promo airline tickets before Taiwan and Canada freeze over.
(Photo by Justin Kauffman)
Your honesty Annie is really refreshing. I thank GOD!
I learned that despite my claims to being a Christian and not fearing death, when Covid came, I was panic-stricken for a time and phobic. Until GOD spoke to my heart. HE is in control. Covid or no Covid my life, your life is in HIS loving hands.