Should you still get that master’s degree? Or is it better to undergo a certification? Should you take certificate courses in a single niche or should you get certified in various specialties? Should you venture into a completely different career instead?
The financial losses brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to reconsider our lifelong learning goals. Click the links below to discover the path that you should take to ensure your job security while improving the quality of the services that you provide your clients.
Specialize or Generalize: What to Do when Picking a Field by Chris Do, founder of The Futur
Should You Specialize or Be a Generalist? by Tim Ferris, founder of BrainQUICKEN
Why Specializing Early Doesn’t Always Mean Career Success by David Epstein, investigative reporter at ProPublica
Video on Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell, best-selling author and founder of Pushkin Industries
(Photo by Ben White)