COVID-19 will change our lives in the coming years because the disease might become endemic. Moreover, the threat of other possible pandemics has compelled world leaders to call for the Great Reset. Far from being a conspiracy theory, the Great Reset is a movement to reimagine all aspects of life to reduce inequities, including health disparities. It is led by the British Royal Family, the World Economic Forum (WEF), politicians, celebrities, multinational companies, and transnational organizations. One of its key proposals is to make business processes more environment-friendly because disruptions in the ecosystem can potentially drive disease outbreaks. Proponents of the Great Reset want governments to mandate companies to offer products and services that use eco-friendly materials, tools, and equipment as well as alternative energy. Those who will not comply will be subjected to higher taxes, or perhaps banned from operating.
It is every person’s responsibility to take care of the environment to preserve human life. But assuming that the Great Reset will push through, we must raise questions about how this kind of reimagining will affect special needs organizations. Examples:
Should therapists use plant-based foods only during feeding interventions?
Will persons with disabilities and their families who have set up online businesses that sell lechon, sisig, bagnet, kare-kare, burgers, lasagna, ensaymadas, cakes, cookies, leche flan, and other meals with animal products be #cancelledt?
Will schools, hospitals, and therapy clinics be forced to buy new sets of toys, tools, materials, and equipment that were produced using tidal energy instead of fossil fuel?
Where can we buy sensory integration therapy equipment that were manufactured using alternative energy? Do eco-friendly manufacturers have enough supplies to meet the demand?
Will the disability advocacy groups be required to allot some of their funds to the Save the Polar Bears campaign? What if they prefer American eagles?
Should principals report to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) the teachers who encourage students to argue against environmental laws?
Who determines what the “eco-friendly” practices are? How did those authority figures come up with such standards? Who will monitor our compliance? How much of our taxes will go to these authority figures?
Can the special needs community withstand all the resetting and reimagining given that we are already hemorrhaging financially from the pandemic?
If the scenarios above seem outlandish, the links below will help you reflect on where our leaders’ reimagining might take us.
What is “The Great Reset” and Why Are People So Worried About It by Economics Explained
What is The Great Reset by Chris Chappell, creator of America Uncovered and China Uncensored
Six leaders explain why we must reform the social contract after COVID-19 by the World Economic Forum
“You will own nothing, and you will be happy” by Rex van Schalkwyk, retired judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa
COVID-19 & mother nature: a lesson for the future with Pia Hontiveros, host at CNN Philippines
The Great Reset Launch by the World Economic Forum
(Photo by Marco Oriolesi)